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The Head

François Xavier Tourte (1748 – 1835): An examination of a cello bow in excellent condition

The bow under examination, dating back to ca. 1790, is a particularly fine specimen by the greatest of all archetiers, François Xavier Tourte.

It is impressive not only for its outstanding use of materials and workmanship but above all for its immaculate condition in its 225 years of age. Each little detail and the extraordinary level of craftmanship point to the master, making the analogy with the „Messiah“ Stradivarius more than compelling.

A Comparison of Three Sartory Cello Bows from the first three Expositions

A Comparison of Three Sartory Cello Bows from the first three Expositions

Eugène Nicolas Sartory is without a doubt the most popular French bowmaker of the 20th century. His consistently high quality workmanship, combined with the fantastic playability of his bows, has elevated him above his contemporaries.

We have three of the rarest and finest Sartory cello bows. In this article, we will compare his early stylistic development from the 1894, 1897, and 1900 Expositions. These three bows also represent a young maker establishing himself as a world class shop owner, maker, and household name.

»ex Camillo Sivori / ex Henryk Szeryng«

Etienne Pajeot (1791 – 1849):

An examination of two rare and renowned gold and tortoiseshell mounted violin bows, known as the »ex Eugène Ysaye / ex Isaac Stern« and »ex Camillo Sivori / ex Henryk Szeryng«

Over the past few years, there has been one particular question clients and friends alike have never tired of asking: »What is the absolute non plus ultra, the crème de la crème of bows – who or what is representing the pinnacle of French bowmaking?«

Der Bogenkopf

Dominique Peccatte (1810 – 1874):

An examination of a very rare silver and ebony mounted violin bow

Along with F. X. Tourte and J. P. M. Persoit, Dominique Peccatte is considered one of the greatest bowmakers of the 19th century. He learned the métier with J. P. M. Persoit in J. B. Vuillaume’s workshop. Despite the great influence of his masters, Peccatte early on developed his own powerful and confident style which he later became famous for

Der Bogenkopf

Nicolas Léonard Tourte (1746 – 1807?)

An examination of a very fine violin bow with original grafting

The bow under examination is a particularly appealing and intriguing specimen of this bowmaker’s work.

Der Bogenkopf

Etienne Pajeot (1791 – 1849)

An examination of a very fine ebony and gold violin bow

Made between 1840 and 1845 by the celebrated Etienne Pajeot, this illustrative example shows the striking power and elegance of one of the most innovative and influential craftsmen to emerge from the golden age of French bowmaking, notwithstanding the given conditions of limited material goods in his very last period.